Tuesday, June 30, 2009

After Reading June 30th

We know Cole has MAJOR anger issues. Were you surprised by any of his comments and actions in the first two chapters? Choose one of the sentence starters below and comment. Write at least FOUR complete sentences.

1. I was not surprised by Cole's actions or comments because....

2. I was surprised by Cole's actions or comments because.....


  1. I was not surprised by Cole's actions and comments because he seams to have an anger manigmaent problem that i think if he whould get councling might change. one time i was playing a game with one of my best friends. he got really mad because he wanted to win. he lost so he threw the game board across the room. later on in the day he started chuking woffle balls at he and it really hurt. after that i told him to pick them up and he said no. i got so frusterated with him that i punched him in the nose. i guess it was the wrong thing to do but i had just got so frustrated. putting it into Coles perspective he probly feels mad about the fact that his parents are devorced andthat his dad some times abuses him.

  2. I was surprised by Coles actions. A teenage boy wouldnt want to give another kid brain damage. Even if your that angry, I wouldnt start hitting the wall until my nuckles got all bloody and scraped up. But i think that it was wrong for Cole to hurt peter as bad as he did. I dont think any teenage boy would be as violent as Cole was to peter.

  3. I was surprised because a teenager should not be acting like this. He should act like a normal kid by not being mean all the time. For example he should not be so violent with his classmates. He is a kid and already he is messing up his life.

  4. I was not surprised by Cole's actions or comments, because we know that he has anger issues. People with anger issues usually hav bad comments, and do bad actions. Like they will talk badly about their parents and punch a jail cell. Plus since his Dad beats him maybe thats why he acts the way he does.

  5. I was not supprised br Cole's actions or comments. For example when he was in the cell and he got so mad; that he started pounding his fists to the wall untill they stared bleeding. Cole sorta has a right to act like that because his parents drink, and wants him to die, and they hit him. Another example is how he took Peter's head and smashed his headf into the side walk.
