Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Survival Blog

Yesterday you worked in groups to figure out how to use random items to help you survive a plane crash in the maritime Alaskan climate. Answer these questions in complete sentences.

1. How successful was your group in putting the items in the "correct" order?

2. How effective was your discussion? Did everyone participate?

3. Where there any arguments or conflicts over where to place items in the list?

4. What did you learn from this cooperative group activity?


  1. 1. My group was not very sucsessful at put the item in the correct order. we got the idea right but not the items right.
    2. Our discution was very effective every one participated and came up with some good uses of each item.
    3. there were no arguments concerning the items on the map.
    4. i leard that it may not be very easy to survive in th ewilderness and you need to use your tools wisly

  2. Our group looked at surviving diffrently then others. We put all our wepons first because we thought the first thing you would do is get food. That is so you dont starve. We didnt really have any disscusion. We only agreeded on what should come next in the list. There was no arguments or conflicts, we all agreed. I learned that, if this situation ever happens, you have to warm first.

  3. 1. My group wasn't that successful in putting the items in the correct order.

    2.Our discussion was really effected, because the more we talked the more we thought of ideas that the items could do, and where to place the items. For the most part everyone participated.

    3.There were some arguments over where to place the items on the list, but they weren't big arguments.

    4.I learned that when you work with a group that you work better, and faster.

  4. 1. My group wasnt very sucessful putting the items in the right order. The only things we had in theright order were the last two things.
    2.Our discussion was very effective and everyone participated.
    3. There wernt any arguments or conflicts.
    4.I learned that it isnt that easy to survive in the wild.

  5. We had some of the items right but we had most of them wrong. In our discussion we figured out what we were doing wrong with our items. We all had the same idea where to place the items. I learned that people can survive in the wild with any items.

  6. i think our group did good because even though we didnt have everything in the correct order we still tryed and did what made sence to us. i think our group got along and we more discusted the disargements not argued. what i learned is that warn=mth is first because its really hard to do anything else if you are freezing.

  7. 1.my group was not that sucsessful in putting all the items in the correct order.
    2.our discution was effective and everyone was apart of it.
    3.no tyhere was no arguments in the group.
    4.i learn that like beening warm is the most important thing to do and like then food is next..
